REWIMET is a network of companies, scientific institutions and local authorities. The members process 5 million tons of waste annually, employ approx. 44,000 people and have an annual turnover of approx. EUR 16 billion.


Albemarle Germany GmbH, Langelsheim

Albemarle Germany GmbH, Langelsheim
Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB), headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is a global specialty chemicals company with leading positions in lithium, bromine and refining catalysts. Albemarle employs approximately 5,600 people and serves customers in approximately 100 countries. Albemarle Germany GmbH is part of the global lithium organization of Albemarle, the world's leading manufacturer of lithium compounds and a major producer of lithium raw materials and metal compounds for special applications. In Germany Albemarle has locations in Frankfurt and Langelsheim. Albemarle Germany GmbH is based in Frankfurt am Main.

Battery Damage Service GmbH, Braunschweig

Battery Damage Service GmbH, Braunschweig
Battery Damage Service provides full-service solutions for waste lithium batteries, including on-site dismantling, transportation incertified containers and environmentally-friendly recycling. The aim is to ensure a streamlined and efficient disposal process for all waste producers, regardless of battery type or waste quantity. BDS is able to perform expert on-site salvage and proper disposal of critically damaged batteries, incl. classification and logistics, due to the extensive experience in recycling and system development for lithium batteries.

Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.

Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V., Bonn
(Federal Association of Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Disposal)
This association represents nearly 900 companies operating in the medium-sized waste management sector in Germany. Numerous members are involved in the professional association “Scrap, e-scrap and motor vehicle recycling” that, as a divisional organisation within the bvse e.V., covers an important waste category.

ChemiLytics GmbH & Co.KG

ChemiLytics GmbH & Co. KG, Goslar
Element, grain structure and phase analysis of metallic and ceramic raw materials and alloys are key factors in recycling and crucial to the quality of products and their commercial value. As one of the most experienced laboratories for inorganic materials, ChemiLytics offers a comprehensive service, acts quickly and develops processes together with its customers (Methods: ICP-MS, ICP-OES, SEM, XRD, XRF, GDMS). The laboratory for powder characterization focuses on the determination of densities, particle size distributions and is equipped for pore size characterization of meso- and macropores. ChemiLytics has an wide range of methods accredited according to ISO 17025.

CRONIMET Envirotec GmbH

CRONIMET Envirotec GmbH, Bitterfeld-Wolfen
CRONIMET Envirotec GmbH is specialized in the innovative and sustainable recovery and recycling of waste sludges containing metals and oil as well as fine metal powers and filter dust. The patented vacuum distillation enables the separation of substances in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way without any chemical modification and guarantees a holistic return of the raw material back into the economic cycle. A new briquetting technique using an organic binder allows the production of solid briquets.

CRONIMET Envirotec GmbH

DfACE Strategy Systems
DfACE Strategy Systems offers practical engineering design consulting for the concept of circular economy. DfACE stands for “Design for Advanced Circular Economy” – the necessary professional knowledge are scientific results developed at Clausthal University of Technology which were transferred into a business model, to make the results available for the economy. By utilizing a digitized engineering development methodology multiple influences, dependencies and interdependencies, like the type of good, business models, materials, joint technology, circular approaches and recycling processes, can be taken into account.
The consulting will be tailored by individual needs and offers seminars for the basics of the design for the circular economy, detailed analyzes along different product levels, up to the effects on other stakeholders by the newly developed product.


Electrocycling GmbH, Goslar
Since the mid-1990s, Electrocycling GmbH has been in the business of processing and recycling old electrical equipment. With a capacity of 80,000 t/a, the Electrocycling GmbH processing plant is one of the largest and most modern plants for the recycling of old electrical equipment in Europe.

Fraunhofer IST

Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik IST
The Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST unlocks the potential for future-proof products and associated competitive, scalable production systems. The research covers plant engineering, entire process chains in process engineering, process technology and manufacturing technology as well as entire factories. Based on the requirements of sustainability, the entire product life cycle is considered - from the material to the process to the component and product through to recycling. The institute's 300 employees research in areas such as energy storage and systems with a focus on battery cell production and hydrogen technology as well as a wide range of technologies for the modification, design and coating of surfaces, e.g. for tribological, sensory or optical systems.


GDMB Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V., Clausthal-Zellerfeld
(Society of Metallurgists and Miners)
The GDMB Society of Metallurgists and Miners is an international forum for the technical-scientific exchange of experience and expertise among the industry, authorities and academia. It is an important part of the international network covering the fields of raw material extraction, raw material recycling and non-ferrous metallurgy.

H.C. Starck

H.C.Starck Tungsten GmbH, Goslar
From recycled materials and ores, H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH, a company of the Masan High-Tech Materials Group, produces high-performance powders of the refractory metal tungsten and its compounds according to customer specifications. The company serves growing industries in Europe, North America and Asia, such as telecommunications, chemicals, automotive, medical technology, aerospace, energy and environmental technology as well as mechanical engineering and toolmaking. In its most important market segments, the company always occupies the first or second market position.

Heitec Black Metals GmbH

Heitec Black Metals GmbH, Salzgitter
Heitec Black Metals GmbH is a privately owned, medium-sized company in the field of metal and scrap recycling. The customers and suppliers are craft and industrial companies as well as private households who can return their metals and scrap to the circular economy in a professional manner and benefit from it. In addition to the entrepreneurial goal of running a profitable business and giving people work, the company makes a contribution to protecting nature, the environment and resources.

Hochschule Nordhausen

Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences
The Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences offers numerous degree programmes in engineering, economics and social sciences. The research is focused on green tech, management and governance as well as social and health services.

INW - Institut der Norddeutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

INW - Institut der Norddeutschen Wirtschaft e.V., Hannover
The INW - Institut der Norddeutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (Institute of the North German Economy, INW) unites companies in northern Germany across regions and sectors and represents the economic and socio-political interests of its more than 680 members at state, federal and European level. The personal union of the INW with the Business Associations of Lower Saxony e.V. (UVN) in the presidential office and main management ensures further networking that creates synergies and supports the business location.

ITS mobility e.V.

ITS mobility e.V.
ITS mobility is the largest competence cluster for intelligent mobility in Germany. The extensive, active network brings together experts from business and science in projects and events on mobility concepts that make traffic or vehicles safer and more efficient. Key topics are, for example, automated and networked driving, sustainable mobility concepts, intelligent infrastructures, new drive technologies and energy sources, open data infrastructure, Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), artificial intelligence, new materials, eCall as well as location and navigation. More than 200 members from all over Northern Germany and beyond, including many small and medium-sized companies, research institutions, associations, industrial companies, networks and experts, belong to the non-profit association.

IVH Industriepark und Verwertungszentrum Harz GmbH, Goslar

IVH Industriepark und Verwertungszentrum Harz GmbH, Goslar 
The IVH Industriepark und Verwertungszentrum Harz GmbH is standing for efficient and innovative processes in recycling for lead and zinc containing residues as well as for polypropylene.

Landkreis Goslar

District of Goslar
After the decline of the mining industry, the district of Goslar reoriented itself and in the first half of the 20th century adapted itself in particular to tourism, other professional services and follow-up industries. With its Strategy Programme 2030, the district of Goslar pursues, among other things, the expansion of its commitment to the business community, science and technology transfer as well as the promotion of cooperation in the region.

logo landkreis goettingen

District of Göttingen
The modern economic structure with a focus on automotive, medical technology, mechatronics, electrical engineering, metal and mechanical engineering, foundries and plastics processing is wide-ranging and innovative. Future-oriented jobs combined with state-of-the-art educational facilities create the foundation for qualified and motivated employees.

Metalogie GmbH

pdv-software GmbH, Goslar (As of 1 April: Metalogie GmbH
pdv-software GmbH is a software manufacturer with core expertise in the field of metals and building materials. The company develops solutions for laboratory processes, sampling, analysis, material flows and the special requirements of the circular economy and for the recycling industry. The focus is on chemical/physical data in correlation with material flows and production-related parameters, including all process and device interfaces. In addition, pdv-software offers consulting for the analysis of existing software processes and their integration into organizational company structures.

MPM Environment Intelligence KG

mpm Environment Intelligence GmbH, Bad Grund / OT Gittelde
mpm Environment Intelligence is a specialist enterprise that offers intelligent solutions for all aspects of recycling, especially for assembled and unassembled printed circuit boards as well as for environmental protection and occupational safety.


MWM GmbH, Hannover
The core business of the MWM GmbH focusses on europeanwide sales and processing of secondary raw materials. MWM bundles waste streams and finds for nearly all kinds of waste solutions for disposal companies and industry. At our warehouse in Osnabrück we mainly process waste paper and plastics. The sister company ELPRO Elektro Recycling GmbH, which is located in Braunschweig, is a recycling company for electronic scrap and is specialized on the demolition of technical installations in whole Germany.

Novelis Sheet Ingot GmbH, Seeland

Novelis Sheet Ingot GmbH, Seeland
At the Nachterstedt location, Novelis, the world market leader for innovative rolled aluminum products and the world's largest aluminum recycler, operates the largest and most technologically advanced aluminum recycling plant in the world. Up to 400,000 tons of aluminum scrap are shredded, sorted, thermally cleaned, melted and put back into circulation there every year. Novelis is part of the Aditya Birla Group, a multinational conglomerate based in Mumbai. In Europe, Novelis operates a network of advanced rolling and recycling plants with around 5,900 employees in 5 countries. Together with its customers from the automotive industry, beverage can production, aerospace and the industries of many special products, Novelis develops innovative and low-CO2 aluminum solutions.

Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
Founded in 1971 in Braunschweig and Wolfenbüttel, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences is a university of applied sciences with faculties of electrical and automotive engineering, social work and public health services, computer science, business, law and other disciplines and a total of more than 12,580 students. The campuses of the university are spread over Wolfenbüttel, Wolfsburg, Salzgitter and Suderburg and offer a total of more than 70 degree programmes for prospective students. The Faculty of Automotive Engineering at the Wolfsburg location features many student projects, such as the "Sleeping Beauty" project, Wob-Racing and the AkkuRacer project, which give students the opportunity to put their acquired knowledge into practice.

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
The Otto-von-Guericke-University is a university centre for teaching and research in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt and covers engineering and natural sciences, medicine as well as economics, social sciences and the humanities with almost 14,000 students in nine faculties. The Chair of Personality & Social Psychology deals with managing human behavior in a controlled and targeted manner. Methods are being tested to increase the recycling rates for various raw materials and consumer items, e.g. by improving individual motivation and removing behavioral barriers.


PPM Reinstmetalle Osterwieck GmbH, Osterwieck 
PPM Reinstmetalle Osterwieck GmbH produces tin and high-purity arsenic with a content of up to 99.99999 % As. This is mainly used for semiconductor and opto-electronic applications. The high-purity arsenic becomes, amongst other things, Gallium arsenide produced for cellular technology. As a spin-off from PPM Pure Metals GmbH, the company has more than 65 years of experience in the production of high-purity arsenic and other pure metals. The production facility is located in Osterwieck / Germany.

pro Goslar

pro Goslar e.V., Goslar
A united stance on the part of all entrepreneurs provides many opportunities to drive forward developments in their interest and to promote, support and advise Goslar as a business location as much as possible..


RHM Rohstoffgesellschaft mbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr
RHM Group offers the know-how and adequate infrastructure to maintain the cycle of recovering steel. RHM is one of the largest suppliers of raw materials.

Röben UG

Röben UG, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
At the Röben company, the development and production of vintage car spare parts using 3D printing has given rise to recycling in 3D printing. After this was first pursued internally, this is also offered throughout Germany to external companies that use "resin 3D printing" based on UV-active liquid resins. We specialize here in recycling the solvent isopropanol, which is used in 3D printing as a cleaning agent for the manufactured components. This is recycled and reintroduced into the 3D printing cycle as 99.9% isopropanol. The other PE and resin material streams are also recycled.

Röben UG

Salzgitter AG, Salzgitter
Salzgitter AG ranks as one of Germany’s leading steel and technology groups. As a pioneer in the circular economy, it focuses on sustainable innovation and on transforming products and processes in the business units of Steel Production, Steel Processing, Trading and Technology. With the “Salzgitter AG 2030" strategy and anchored in the principle of “Pioneering for Circular Solutions”, it is setting new benchmarks in the industry. The aspirations are realized through strong initiatives and programs such as SALCOS® - Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking. Through partnerships and in networks, it is actively driving the process of development towards a circular economy. With around 25,000 employees worldwide at 150 national and international subsidiaries and associate companies, it lives up to our global aims for growth, profitability and our pioneering position.

Röben UG

SR-Scholz GmbH & Co. KG
Founded in 1978, SR-Scholz Rohstoffe GmbH & Co. KG has developed into an internationally active company. In addition to trading, the Geldern site produces shaped parts for the steel and foundry industry. The service portfolio is supplemented by a processing center for titanium and superalloys. As a raw materials and recycling company, SR-Scholz is now in its third generation of practicing sustainability. On the basis of the KrWG, disposal expertise is offered for the marketing, recovery or, as a final option, landfilling of raw, residual and waste materials.

Bad Harzburg

City of Bad Harzburgächen/
The city of Bad Harzburg is not only a tourist destination, but also an important business location in the Harz region. Successful companies that deal with the recycling of economically strategic metals can be found in Bad Harzburg. The aim is to further promote the commitment of the regional companies to deal with the topic of recycling economically strategic metals. From 2023, around 13 hectares of net buildable area will be available for this purpose. In addition, Bad Harzburg is an ideal residential location with a good infrastructure and high quality of leisure time.


City of Goslar
Goslar is the economic, cultural and touristic centre of the Harz region. Especially for medium-sized companies, Goslar is a well-equipped business location. This is ensured by its favourable geographical location, diverse infrastructural facilities, good educational opportunities and the proximity to numerous research institutes. This is complemented by an attractive environment offering superb residential and recreational amenities.


Stöbich Brandschutz GmbH, Goslar
As an expert in the field of structural and technical fire protection, Stöbich Group develops, manufactures and installs individual and series solutions and uses the most innovative technologies.The focus is continuing the success story in the field of innovations by creating novel solutions for holistic fire protection.

H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH

Taniobis GmbH, Goslar
Taniobis GmbH was founded on July 1st 2020 by changing the name of H.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH. The company produces high-performance powders of the rare metals tantalum and niobium from recycled materials and ores. The company serves growing industries in Europe, North America and Asia, such as electronics and telecommunications, chemicals, medical technology, aerospace, energy and environmental technology as well as mechanical engineering and toolmaking. In its most important market segments, the company always occupies the first or second position in the market and is part of the JX Nippon Mining and Metals Group.

TU Braunschweig

Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig
The Technical University of Braunschweig Carolo-Wilhelmina is the academic centre of Braunschweig, the traditional "city of science" in the middle of one of the most active research regions in Europe. Around 18,500 students and 3,500 employees represent the campus community. Complete engineering sciences and strong natural sciences are the core disciplines of education and research. They are closely connected to the faculties of economics, social sciences, humanities and education. The range of engineering degree programmes on offer is unique among northern German universities.

TU Clausthal

Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Clausthal University of Technology is one of the leading German universities in the field of raw material and energy technologies. A number of institutes are engaged in the field of recycling. All activities are coordinated by the Institute for Processing, Recycling and Circular Economy Systems IFAD. The research focus of the IFAD is the development of recycling strategies and recovery technologies for end-of-life products and facilities, including the application and further development of processing technologies for resource-relevant complex waste.

VSM Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG

VSM Vereinigte Schmirgel- und Maschinen-Fabriken AG, Hannover
VSM is a manufacturer of high quality coated abrasives for industry, trades and specialist dealers and a large array of high-end grinding solutions. With more than 155 years of experience VSM understands abrasives like no one else. The expertise encompasses the development of important basic materials such as backing cloths, synthetic resins and abrasive grains in-house for the production of our abrasives. It extends to visiting customers to analyse existing applications and to ensure the proper interaction between grinding machine and workpiece.

Wilhelm Geiger GmbH & Co.KG

Wilhelm Geiger GmbH & Co.KG, Oberstdorf
Geiger creates the circular society.
Geiger will optimize the life cycle of buildings.
Geiger will close material flows in a circular economy.
Geiger will use properties to their full potential..


WiReGo GmbH & Co.KG, Goslar
The Wirtschaftsförderung Region Goslar GmbH & Co. KG (WiReGo), a transregional business development agency, contributes to improving the conditions for economic development in the district of Goslar and thus works towards the creation of new jobs and the preservation of existing ones.